Can you believe it is already July? June has ran by me, as I have started a new job, and have just focused on that during June. So far I have no complaints, it pays the bills. However, the never ending dream of having my own shop gets further and further away as the years pass. I visited a local tourist mountian town today, and had a great time. Again it made me dream more of how sweet it would be to have my own little rustic store. Though I know there are issues there as well, when running your own business.
With July now here, I am going to try to get back to a design schedule. I may even dabble in other gift items that are not jewelry, we will see. For some that are already thinking of Christmas, now is a great time to start shopping.
This photo I attached is a pair of little wacky wire earrings, made with fire polish beads. Something fun to wear, that have a little sparkle.