BliNg bLoCK
Definition: When you have bling, but cannot decide what to attach it to.
I did not know that BLING BLOCK was real. Yes I have experienced bling block. I did not think I would have an issue on NOT knowing what to attach bling to but I did. I have some bling........all sizes........ and cannot decide where to stick it. Now, rather than keep sitting in a corner staring at a pile of miscellaneous stuff that could be blinged, I decide to get motivated.
Now keep in mind motivation does not just happen. Granted for years I would sit and wait for it, much like a child looking out the window waiting for the mail man to bring that Birthday card from grandma. But through psychology I learned early on that "action creates motivation". Think in terms of your job. You can't sit there and wait to be motivated to answer a phone or type a memo. It's something that needs to be done, so you MUST get started and do it.
This concept being that it is so simple and makes so much sense still boggles my mind. How dumb we can be if we wait for opportunity. The thing to do is MAKE our opportunity. Each day we can take baby steps towards this, and learn as we go.