Tuesday, December 31, 2013

BliNg bLoCK
Definition: When you have bling, but cannot decide what to attach it to.
I did not know that BLING BLOCK was real.  Yes I have experienced bling block.  I did not think I would have an issue on NOT knowing what to attach bling to but I did.  I have some bling........all sizes........ and cannot decide where to stick it.  Now, rather than keep sitting in a corner staring at a pile of miscellaneous stuff that could be blinged, I decide to get motivated.
Now keep in mind motivation does not just happen.  Granted for years I would sit and wait for it, much like a child looking out the window waiting for the mail man to bring that Birthday card from grandma.  But through psychology I learned early on that "action creates motivation".  Think in terms of your job.  You can't sit there and wait to be motivated to answer a phone or type a memo.  It's something that needs to be done, so you MUST get started and do it. 
This concept being that it is so simple and makes so much sense still boggles my mind.  How dumb we can be if we wait for opportunity.  The thing to do is MAKE our opportunity.  Each day we can take baby steps towards this, and learn as we go. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Blinged Up Camo Hat


Another Christmas behind me, and as always it's the best day of the year when it's all done.  Our son came home Dec. 21 so this year was especially a time of celebration to see him and how he's changed over the past year.  Though we would have liked very much to spend this Christmas in sunny Southern Nevada we couldn't make it this year.  Next year will be our Christmas in the sun.

Now onto the blinged out camo hat.  I made this two weeks ago, but because it was a gift I couldn't post it until today.  This was such a fun project and blew me away when it was all done.  This hat I bought at the local Army Surplus store, then bought Swarovski crystals to bling it out.  My mom having never worn any camo, I figured this was a good way to break her in.  She wanted a hat with a cross on it, but didn't really like others she has seen.  So this was my inspriation to try a new hobby of bling.  Yes I love it, and now that Christmas is over I will be buying lots of crystals to bling out some other items I have. 

Also, in the next few days I'll be posting photos of the quilts me and my mom made for my son and husband, they turned out great.  I also have two that are for sale I'll be posting, as well as putting them in my Luulla store. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hotfix VS. Glue, What To Do?

Hotfix VS. Glue, What To Do?

This is good advise coming from someone's long term personal experience.  I'm new to bling, but am getting going on this new fun hobby.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ok, just finished some Christmas gifts and wrapped up a Birthday present for my mom.  So, this was the first time using the Heat n Bond, and I LOVE IT!!!  This stuff is awesome, and if you use the red package you don't have to sew it.  This is really kewl because it sticks on fabric like superglue.   Another surprise was not only how easy it is to use, but it doesn't turn hard like old bonding material used to. 
Also, you can cut it out on a Cricut machine after you've attached it to fabric.......cuts like paper.  Very kewl stuff, used it on pot holders and kitchen towels.  Granted that's risky with the abuse they will take, but it'll be a good test for sure.
Now onto on to other projects.  This may conclude my sewing for Christmas, not sure.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

"NFL Doo Rags"

Are these Doo Rags or Dew Rags?  I have no clue........  Anyway....

So far so good for Christmas preparations.  These are two NFL doo rags I made as Christmas gifts.  I hate venturing out the malls, and hate the price retailers charge for NFL items so I made these myself.  They consisted of only 4 pieces of fabric.  Having a serger made the process much easier.  I think now that I've done these two, making more in the future will be much faster.  I also plan on making a couple tree ornaments, NFL of course.  These should last a good while having double stitching on them.  I am not a sports fan so these will probably be it.

This is where I got my pattern from:  http://www.christianityoasis.com/Crafts/DewRag.htm