Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Are you grateful?

This is a question we should all ask ourselves.  Do you even know what it means to be grateful?  Rather than get tied up in our daily thoughts, fears, negativity and hopelessness there is always gratefulness.  Believe it or not EVERYONE has something to be grateful for.  Maybe you have a reliable car that gets you to work.  Maybe you were able to pay your rent and you have a roof over your head for another month.  Maybe you had just enough money to pay all your bills.  I don't know about you but though I am broke, being able to take care of my obligations does make me grateful.

When you are feeling negative  or depressed try a grateful thought.  That positive thought will transform into a grateful feeling that will flow not only through your body, but exude through  you and others will wonder why you look different.

Honest Gratitude is Powerful!
CHOOSE to be Grateful and not Hateful....

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fall is in the air!  It has been a few months since I have written here.  Working all summer and feeling like you don't accomplish much can be tough.  Last week I made the decision to "Take My Life Back!"

What this means is that I since the recession began for us in mid 2008 we have struggled with choices and work opportunities.  My current work commitment is one of flavor, never boring, and in what some would say is a very negative environment.  I have to say that this is maybe where I can thrive.  I have struggled to find purpose in this, but I received a note today from my mom which said.

"Here it is, what if God has you where you are for a specific reason and of course we know this is true.  But, what if it isn't about you?  It isn't that he has something for you to learn (which doesn't mean you haven't learned anything valuable).  Rather What if He has you there to be the light in a very dark place?  What if He has you there for the sake of others?  You know things others need to know and the bible says we are the light or children of THE light (Jesus is the light of the world).  You have the answer that others are looking for and can't seem to find."

Now you may be wondering why she would right this.  Well the past two years has had it's ups and downs with working where I do.  Though I am grateful to have a job and a reliable pay check and great benefits, I feel I am ready to move on to something more positive with a more traditional work schedule, not shift work.

This note she sent came at the right time for me to reflect a bit more.  However it is hard not to think of ourselves.  We tend to want to be the driver of our own car called life.  When in reality we are the guest in the car that God is driving.  The message here is DON'T BE A BACKSEAT DRIVER!