Wednesday, June 3, 2015

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It's Marriage Season!

Over the next 90 days there will be hundreds of newly married couples.  There will also be divorces.  Have you noticed how fashionable divorce has become.  How fashionable selfishness has become?  How society today does not want you to seek out help....  especially faith based help to heal your broken marriage?  I have noticed that when conflict arises individuals act like children "if you don't do what I want or what I say, or hang out with the friends I want, they I'm outa here".  Hello, one needs to be very careful, especially women to NOT turn your marriage into a parental role.  Your spouse is an adult and capable, and no they are not perfect.  

Let me just say...  marriage is not a fad, it's not about the fancy dress, and how many guests you invite and the gifts you receive.  It is about a sacred promise to each other and God that you will remain together through the good and the bad.  There is no perfect marriage, or person.  We all come with our own set of baggage and expectations.  Many of those expectations are skewed as we look to the examples from our own parents, television, movies, and then put our own spin on it.  

Think of a broken marriage as a severely broken bone.  Your leg is so badly broken the doctor does not know if surgery can even repair it.  After it's repaired it may not be the same, but it could also be better than imagined.  

WORK , WORK, WORK,  it takes two to fail in a marriage and two to repair it.  You have to feed it daily, and sometimes we forget and the weeds begin to grow.  We all know what a garden looks like when the weeds take over.........  you can't see the potential or the beauty that lies beneath those weeds.  And how does one weed a garden?  By pulling one weed at a time, and continuing to weed often to keep them from popping up and taking over the good things that grow.  What is great about the garden is you can choose what to plant.  One of you may want beautiful flowers (love and comfort) where the other may want tomatoes (strength and stability).  This is fine, as without knowing these things both are things of nourishment and beauty.  As a married couple works in their garden they begin to appreciate the contributions of the other.  The garden begins to look like a green blossoming orchestra built by the two of you and prosperous through God.

In our current world it is more important than ever to "PROTECT YOUR MARRIAGE"!

So they are no longer two, but one. No human being must separate, then, what God has joined together.Matthew 19:6

And most importantly "DON'T GIVE UP"!

Nothing is impossible for God!Luke 1:37 

Please visit my partner blog 

#marriageworks, #notodivorce, #marriageweeds

NOTE: I am not saying that there are not valid reasons to divorce a toxic individual, but I am pro-marriage.

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