Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Image result for october
October is almost behind us, and snow is falling here in Northern Utah.  We are setting weather records for cold temps this week.

Last week I was at a Victims Conference.  I learn something new each time I attend.  One thing that really stuck out was the Utah Homicide Survivors group.  Not that we ever want to experience a homicide it was very interesting that this is a non-profit....costs survivors zero.  Brandon serves the communities of Utah when tragedy stikes by protecting victims properties, assisting prosecutors and police to bring others to justice and obtain all personal entitled property.  He can also assist with civil lawsuits to claim damages.  Brandon is an attorney, and a good one who solely specializes in this area.

I encourage you to reach out, even if there is no homicide, but a loved one who has passed and you would like advise and maybe help in searching for and securing what is theirs.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Who Would Have Thought.............

July 29, 2019 was an exciting day one could have never imagined.   My mom became an official published author in this big world.  My dad, being a seasoned photographer also used one of his beautiful photos to grace the cover.
This book is a result of her years of study, living life, observing and learning about our ever changing world.  

I encourage all who are seeking deeper meaning or understanding of the bible and their faith to read this and share with others.  Published by world renowned WestBow Press, she was encouraged by the publisher to share this subject.

#equippedforholiness #drshirleyfthurman #christianloliness

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Our Squirrels

It has been over 3 years since my last post.  My last post was done at the time we bought our first home and moved north.  Owning a home has been sweet, but also a struggle.  Not a struggle as one may think, but........  decorating......making it mine........   I am struggling.  We have moved so much over the years that for the past 3 years I've lived with bare walls and only 2 rooms repainted in colors I chose.  It's clearly the refugee look.

This is leading me to a new subject on "ADuLtINg".  We know hind sight is 20/20,and had I known what I do now we would be living much differently I assume.

This was not do to poor parenting or anything, but just critical things that we never learned in school.  I see people from all walks of life......everyday that lack basic living skills, the millennial have kindly dubbed "ADULTING".  I have a plan to address and talk about changing behavior that sets one up for failure.  Again, this is not about bad or lack of parenting.  There are things for example that have to do with simple money management that some of us were never taught.  For example CREDIT....  what is it, how do I get it, how do I keep it, why is it important?

Creating a budgeting, cooking on a budget, cleaning, laundry, accountability, the legal system (probation or traffic citations).  All these day to day things that one has to deal with or find themselves having to deal with do to a poor decision.

Squirrels are living creatures that seem to be born with the entire world figured out.  All day, they work........just like birds.  They are always working to build a home, work to find food, and take care of young while playing or fighting with others over territory or food.

One's instincts would say they are lucky to be born and instantly know what's expected of their short lives.  But we humans........we got issues.  You ever wonder if we are observed as zoo animals by animals?  Imagine how comical that must be.

#adulting101     #easyadulting   #diyadulting

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